Hannah Hoch


The exhibition to the Hannah Hoch Gallery at the White Chapel Gallery was little interesting. Since I study discourses such as Gender, Women’s right, and ethnic issues, it really made me consider how these were an issue throughout decades and decades ago. Moreover, having those issues as art is was creative and surprisingly it makes sense. Knowing how she stay away from the city and kept on working on her art, it shows how it was political not accepted during the mid-1900s. Her visual expression of work of probably pushed boundaries and since she was one of the women who made the movement, her art work means a lot and I personally feel it is powerful. ‘Dove of Peace’ (1945) is one of te work I liked, because it was the year the war was over and it makes sense. Some of her art work was a little hard to understand if there was no title or description which made it a little difficult to understand.

Hannah Hoch’s photomontage conveys something that sends message, so I decided to do something similar too. As a respond to her art work, I chose to show about the issues of ‘People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals’’ (PETA).

I came across this article about the cruelty of modern farming, and saw pigs trapped in a trapped inside and cannot be able to move. Do we really have to do this in order to eat pork? According to the article, the price of the meat is increasing and in order to make it cheap farmers are changing the way of farming. Such as de-beaked chickens, medicated salmon, and feed-lot dairy cows which only survives or only 3 years instead of 15 years. The title of the article was ‘Eat less meat or else the planet will starve’. But there are then issues of developed countries wasting tons and tons of food, and on the other hand there are African countries which are facing famine every single day. By this art work, I wanted to discuss the issues about PETA, and the economic difference with developed and developing countries.

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